
Organize your experiments into projects for easy data management and sharing

Written by Andrew Goodspeed

A project is a collection of experiments in Pluto. The experiments in a project can have any type (e.g. RNA-seq, metabolomics, ELISA).

To create a new project, click the "+ Project" button in your Lab Space. Give your project an informative name, such as the title of a manuscript in preparation, a scientific question being addressed, or other meaningful collection of experiments.


Select the program that this project is associated with. Programs represent funding sources like grants, SRAs, internal programs, or external licensing agreements. Tracking programs allows organization administrators to summarize projects and experiments by program. Learn more.

Project type

  • Personal project - select this option if you plan on working on the project by yourself, or plan to manually add collaborators later

  • Team project - automatically grants access to all current and future members of that team. Permissions are assigned according to the permissions a user has in the team (e.g. if a user is a team editor, they will be granted edit access to any team projects created for that team)

Select "Save & Close" to add the project to your workspace and exit, or select "Save & Add Experiment" to add the project to your workspace and add an experiment to that project.

Once created, click on a project tile to view experiments in the project. From within the project, you can select Edit Project in the upper right to add more details, such as a link and a display name for that link (e.g. link to a Dropbox folder, GEO study, Sharepoint site, etc). You can also add a project description that will be displayed beneath your project title within the project.