Searching in literature collections

Use simple keywords or advanced queries to find relevant literature in your collection


After you've created a literature collection in Pluto, you can come back and search within the collection at any time to pull up relevant papers. To find papers, you can:

  • Search by keyword(s)
  • Search using advanced query logic
  • Apply filters
  • Apply sorting criteria

Searching by keyword(s)

Enter one or more keywords in the search bar to search for them in paper titles and abstracts.

If multiple keywords are included, they will be combined with AND logic by default. For example, searching for dementia cognitive or dementia, cognitive will both search for papers containing both terms "dementia" and "cognitive" in the title and/or abstract.

Advanced search queries

To customize the logic being used in your search, you can also use logical operators including AND, OR, NOT, double quotes, parentheses, and wildcard/asterisk.

Logical operators

The AND and OR operators define terms in include in your search. Using AND will require that each term is present, whereas using OR will only require that at least one of the provided terms is present. The NOT keyword can be used to define terms to exclude from your search.


Double quotes can be used around a phrase to search for that exact phrase - for example, searching for immune function would search for immune AND function but the words would not necessarily be together or in that order. However, searching for "immune function" requires that a paper title/abstract contains that exact phrase.


Use parentheses to create more complex logical groupings within your query, for example, searching  uptake AND ("blood-brain barrier" OR BBB) will return papers that must contain the word "uptake", and must contain either the phrase "blood-brain barrier" or the abbreviation "BBB."

Proximity search

You can search for words within a certain proximity using the distance syntax. To search for papers where "cxcl10" and "immune" are within 10 words of each other, search "cxcl10 immune"~10.

Search within just the title or abstract

To search within just the title or just the abstract,  prefix your search with title: or abstract:, respectively . For example, title:obesity GLP-1.

Wildcards / asterisk

The asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character anywhere in your search. For example, searching CXCL* will return any gene beginning with CXCL, such as CXCL1, CXCL2, and so on. Similarly, searching *RNA would return words ending in RNA, such as mRNA, microRNA, etc.


Additional examples of advanced queries

  • ApoE OR apolipoprotein AND NOT late-onset
  • (uptake OR transcytosis) AND ("blood-brain barrier" OR BBB)

Apply filters

In addition to search terms, you can filter results by date range, or search for a specific PubMed ID or DOI. You can also sort by publication date and relevance based on the search terms you provided.