Plotting gene lists / top genes

Copy differentially expressed genes into a summary analysis with a few clicks

Written by Rani Powers, PhD 


After running differential expression analysis in Pluto, you may identify several (or many) genes of interest that were significant, and want to plot their expression levels.


Select genes of interest

To easily plot these genes, open the Edit menu for the volcano plot and lasso select any genes that you're interested in exploring further. You'll see the genes you've selected appear in the Labels section. Click Copy to copy this list of genes.


Plotting genes of interest

Create a new Summary or Summary (CPM-normalized) analysis and paste the list of genes you copied into the Targets field. Run the analysis to see the expression levels for these genes of interest.


Here's the full process start to finish in a few seconds:

Plotting multiple genes of interest

If you have specific genes of interest you'd like to explore, you can use the "Summary Analysis" option when creating a new analysis. On the sidebar, you will be able to select the genes you'd like to plot. Up to 20 target genes per plot will look best.

There are two ways to select your genes of interest:

  1. Select them individually by typing names into "Targets" and clicking the box to add the gene to the plot. Click outside the drop down or clear the search bar to continue adding genes.
  2. Paste in a comma separated or new line separated list of genes.