Plot share links

Create unique share links to interactive visualizations you've created in Pluto

Say goodbye to sending static graphs to your team via email! Using Pluto plot share links, you can securely share visualizations that are interactive, traceable, and contain their own data and dynamic methods sections. 

To learn more about using Pluto plots in 3rd-party software like electronic lab notebooks, project management software, and more, read about Embedding.

Create a plot share link

From any plot in Pluto, click on the "..." menu in the top right corner and select Embed. Edit the plot style and access settings according to your needs.

Plot style options

  • Pluto: our standard visualization style, which matches what you see on your experiment page in the app
  • Publication: a version of the plot in which axes and labels are pure black for increased legibility and print-friendliness

Access options

  • Restricted - login required: When you send something this link, they must be logged into Pluto and have been granted access to the experiment in order to view the plot.
  • Shareable with link: This enables anyone with the unique link to view the Pluto plot without being logged into Pluto. View a live example here:

Link settings can be changed at any time.