Embedded apps in Pluto

Embed custom-built apps or link to other platforms your team uses for a seamless, integrated experience in Pluto

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Scientific teams uses a wide variety of tools and platforms in order to be productive. Using the Apps page in Pluto, you can create embedded views for third-party platforms including:

  • Project management platforms (e.g. JIRA, Asana, Trello)
  • Data platforms (e.g. Airtable) 
  • Shiny apps
  • Cloud Jupyter notebooks
  • Tableau dashboards
  • And many more!

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All users in your organization can view and launch the apps you've added in Pluto. Note that apps that require separate authentication will still require the viewer to be logged into that platform and have access to the linked page.

Try it out

To try out embedding apps yourself, create an app in Pluto and add one of these public URLs:







More examples

Create a Jupyter notebook on one of the cloud-hosted platforms to edit and run code in Pluto. 

Embedded app permissions

Users with the Organization Editor role in Pluto can create and edit apps. Organization Viewers can view all apps created in your organization's Lab Space. Note that apps that require separate authentication will still require the viewer to be logged into that platform and have access to the linked page.