Downloading data from Pluto

Access all of the raw, processed, and generated files from experimental data analysis from the Data Vault


To view and download files from Pluto, visit the Data Vault page in the left navigation:

On this page, you can filter files by name, experiment, and project. You can also use the Type dropdown to filter by file type.

Data types

  • Assay Data - the matrix of quantitative/measured values in your assay. In most cases for bulk NGS assays, this will be the table containing raw counts (transcriptomics) or consensus peak counts (epigenomics)
  • Sample Data - the table of sample annotations for an experiment
  • FASTQ - raw FASTQ files that were originally uploaded to a given experiment
  • Attachment - documents or other files that were added to the Attachments tab on an experiment
  • Seurat - raw and final Seurat objects generated from single cell RNA-seq preprocessing workflows. These are R objects used to store single-cell expression data, including counts and annotations.
  • BAM - binary and alignment map files, produced by the experiment pipelines
  • BAI - binary and alignment map (BAM) index files, produced by the experiment pipelines
  • Result - CSV files that are produced by running analyses in Pluto, and used to generate plots. The format of a Results CSV will vary based on the kind of analysis that was run to generate it. For example, differential expression produces a differentially expressed gene (DEG) table containing log2 fold change and p-values for genes. On the other hand, principal components analysis produces a table containing the PC1 - PC5 values that are used as the x and y axis of a PCA plot.

Downloading from a plot

You can also download a plot and its results table from the plot itself. When viewing a plot, click on the "..." menu in the top right corner. Select Export plot to be taken to the export canvas, where you can resize a plot and download it in a variety of formats (e.g. png, svg, docx, pptx).

Selecting View results on a plot will open that plot's results table. Click the download icon in the top right corner to save the table as a CSV.

Programmatic download

In addition to downloading via the user interface, you can use the Pluto R package or Pluto Python SDK to download files.

Enterprise downloads

Teams on an Enterprise plan can also download data via direct cloud bucket access. Contact your Pluto rep for more details.