Differential Binding Analysis

Compare protein-DNA interactions on Pluto!

Differential binding analysis allows you to analyze changes in protein-DNA interactions between two groups within your DNA sequencing experiment. This analysis type is available for the CHiP-seq, CUT&RUN and ATAC-seq experiments in Pluto. 


Navigate to your analysis tab within your experiment and add a new analysis. Then select differential binding and go to "+ Create Analysis" to start setting parameters for this analysis. Below this button, you can see an example of a plot, uses for this analysis, potential applications and customization parameters for this analysis type.

Next, you can choose which groups you want to designate as the experimental group and control group for your analysis. These options for your variables will come from the uploaded sample data when creating your experiment.

Once your analysis is done running, you will be able to change your plot type. If you want to keep the volcano plot, you can scroll through the plot customization settings to set the plot title, colors, axis labels and ranges and the figure legend.

Alternatively, you can convert your plot to a heatmap and customize your plot. Here you can adjust your plot title, thresholds, gradient colors and figure legend.
Change to heatmap