Managing your account

Invited to collaborate on Pluto? Here's how to create & manage your account.

Written by Andrew Goodspeed

Create your account

Visit the sign-up page. To sign up using your existing Google account, use the "Sign up with Google" button. Otherwise, input your email address and enter a strong password. Click Sign Up to create your account.

You'll receive a welcome email confirming that your account was created. To get the most out of Pluto, make sure to verify your email by clicking the link in the welcome email.

Note: Single sign-on (SSO) is also available in Pluto for enterprise users. Please contact your Pluto representative to learn more about having this functionality added to your Lab Space.

Managing your account

To manage your account, click on your picture in the bottom left of the navigation sidebar and select Account.

From the Account page, you can edit your name and profile picture, as well as create and delete Pluto API tokens to programmatically access data stored in Pluto.

If you need to change your email address, please contact your Pluto representative for assistance.